Bollywood superstar Salman Khan returns as host of the reality show Bigg Boss on October 3. On Thursday, Salman announced season 14 at a virtual launch event. At the event, the actor mentioned he has never taken such a long break from work in the last 30 years as he had to during lockdown. He also mentioned he would not mind taking a salary cut this year, and introduced the first contestant of the season.
“My biggest frustration is this that last six months I have not worked. I have never taken such a long break in 30 years, which I was forced to take this year. Ever since I did `Maine Pyar Kiya` and began working, every year I try and take a break from 25th December to 3rd January. But ever since I started doing Bigg Boss over the last 10 to 12 years, I would work a few days even in my holidays but I am happy doing that,” Salman said, adding that he spent lockdown in…