West Bengal on Sunday reported 3,185 new COVID-19 cases taking its total infections to 2,47,425. The State recorded 60 more deaths pushing its death toll to 4,781.
The total number of active cases remains at 25,723 and the discharge rate is 87.67%.
Of the 60 deaths, Kolkata reported 17 deaths, taking its fatality toll to 1,669.
While South 24 Parganas district recorded 10 deaths, Howrah reported nine fatalities and North 24 Parganas saw five patients succumbing to the virus.
In terms of infections, North 24 Pargana district reported 670 cases while Kolkata recorded 615 cases. West Bengal has tested 43,618 samples in the last 24 hours taking the total number of samples tested thus far to 30.98 lakh.
Of the total mortalities in the State due to COVID-19, 85.2% (4,075) patients had co-morbidities.