Bharat Biotech on Tuesday said that it had submitted the application for emergency use listing of its coronavirus vaccine Covaxin to the World Health Organization and expected the approval to come through in July-September.
Mumbai recorded 37 deaths due to the coronavirus on Tuesday, the lowest since April 9. The city recorded 1,037 new infections.
The Assam government on Tuesday extended curfew in its urban areas till June 5. Under the new guidelines, all shops, commercial establishments and offices will be closed by 1 pm every day.
India on Tuesday reported 1,96,427 new coronavirus cases, taking the infection tally to 2,69,48,874 since the pandemic first broke out in December 2019. This is the first occasion since April 15 that the single-day rise in cases has come under two lakh. The toll climbed by 3,511 to 3,07,231. The number of active cases in the country stood at 25,86,782.
Globally, the coronavirus has now infected over 16.71 crore people and killed over 34.69 lakh since…