Biden takes steps to put US on ”irreversible path” to net zero economy by 2050


oi-Madhuri Adnal


Washington, Jan 27: Setting ambitious goals that will ensure that the US can meet the urgent demands of the climate crisis, President Joe Biden will take steps which will put the country on an “irreversible path” to a net zero economy by 2050, the White House said on Wednesday.

Biden on Wednesday is set to sign a series of executive orders and take steps to tackle climate change and transition America to a clean energy economy, it said. The president set ambitious goals that will ensure that the US and the world can meet the urgent demands of the climate crisis, while empowering American workers and businesses to lead a clean energy revolution that achieves a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035 and puts the country “on an irreversible path to a net-zero economy by 2050”, the White House said.

“Today”s actions advance those goals and ensure that we are tapping…

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