New Delhi: The BJP on Sunday hit out at the Congress after some of its leaders questioned the approval process for Bharat Biotech’s Covid-19 vaccine, with party president J.P. Nadda alleging that whenever India achieves something commendable the Opposition party comes up with “wild theories” to “ridicule” the accomplishments.
Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri also took a swipe at the Opposition leaders, saying they are on a quest for permanent political marginalisation. His dig, however, drew a sharp retort from Congress leader Jairam Ramesh who compared him with Nazi propagandists.
Nadda accused the Congress and other opposition parties of trying to cause panic among people to further their “failed politics and nefarious agendas”.
“Congress and the Opposition is not proud of anything Indian. They should introspect about how their lies on the Covid-19 vaccine will be used by vested interest groups for their own agendas,” the BJP chief said in a series of…