Bold feminist poster campaign strikes a chord in Paris and beyond – art and culture

A feminist poster campaign in Paris that draws on street art techniques to denounce rape, sexual harassment and murder is striking a chord with city residents and inspiring copycats as far afield as China, its creator said.

Over the last year, activists have been pasting walls with white A4 paper sheets painted with black letters to spell out messages such as “She’s not dressed as a slut. You think like a rapist” and “Women are screaming. The state remains silent”.

“In the beginning, we addressed our messages to politicians, urging them to act about domestic violence,” said Marguerite Stern, 29, who initiated the campaign by putting up several poster messages and sharing photographs of them on social media.

While the government “has done nothing concrete”, the posters have given women a forum and helped change how they approach public spaces, Stern…

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