The Bombay High Court said on Thursday that it would hear the bail petitions of actor Rhea Chakraborty and her brother Showik Chakraborty on September 29, NDTV reported. The siblings, arrested earlier this month over allegations of drug dealings related to the Sushant Singh Rajput death case, are in judicial custody till October 6.
In her bail plea, Chakraborty has said that deceased actor Sushant Singh Rajput “was the only consumer of drugs and used others around him to facilitate his drug habit”.
“The said documents [evidence collected by the investigators] clearly indicate that Sushant Singh Rajput was the only consumer of drugs and that he was directing his staff members Samuel Miranda and Dipesh Sawant to procure his drugs,” Chakraborty’s application said. “Apart from that, the prosecution has made statements to the effect that applicant and her brother…