Star of India’s U-19 World Cup campaign, Rajvardhan Hangargekar has been accused of committing age fudging by Omprakash Bakoria, the commissioner of the Sports and Youth Department, Maharashtra.
As per multiple reports, the IAS officer has also written a letter to the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) regarding the matter, wherein he has reportedly attached evidence against Hangargekar.
This comes after the youngster was roped in by Chennai Super Kings (CSK) in the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2022 mega auction, for a price of INR 1.5 crore.
According to Marathi publication Saamana, the real age of Hangargekar is 21. When taking readmission in Terna Public School in 8th standard, Hangargekar’s birthdate was changed from January 10, 2001, to November 10, 2002, which made him eligible to play in the recently concluded ICC U-19 World Cup…