oi-Madhuri Adnal
Mumbai, Feb 26: A letter found in the vehicle with explosives parked near industrialist Mukesh Ambani’s house here said it was only a “glimpse” of things to come, police said on Friday.

A Scorpio van with gelatin sticks and apparently a fake number plate was found parked on Thursday on Carmichael Road near ”Antilia”, the multi-storey residence of Ambani, the chairman of Reliance Industries.
The letter found in the car was in Hindi but written in English alphabet and was purportedly addressed to Ambani, his wife and the family, a police official said.
SUV with gelatin sticks found near Mukesh Ambani’s Antilia residence
This was only a “Jhalak” (glimpse) but the next time the “saaman” (explosives) will be fully assembled, it said.
The letter was in a blue bag next to the driver”s seat, while the gelatin sticks were kept in a packet with the name of its manufacturer. Also a bag…