Celebrate ‘New World, New Radio’

Radio has been one of the main sources of entertainment and information for ages. Considering its advantages and impact globally, February 13 is celebrated as World Radio Day, every year.

The day was proclaimed in 2011 by the Member States of UNESCO and later adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as an International Day.

World Radio Day Theme:

This year, UNESCO is celebrating the 10th anniversary and more than 110 years of radio. This edition of WRD is divided into three main sub-themes — Evolution, Innovation, and Connection.

  • Evolution: The world changes, radio evolves. This sub-theme refers to the resilience of the radio, to its sustainability.
  • Innovation: The world changes, radio adapts and innovate. Radio has had to adapt to new technologies to remain the go-to medium of mobility, accessible everywhere and to everyone.
  • Connection: The world changes, radio connects. This sub-theme highlights radio’s services to our society—natural disasters,…
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