Change is the need of hour: Dr. Vinay Bajrangi

Most Indians are ardent followers of some kind of religion and practitioners of a particular Dharma. Nevertheless, the happiness index of a normal Indian citizen is below the international average. Most of us know and exercise the Japa, Tapa, Dhyaan, and other spiritual practices; still, it appears that the blessings of the Almighty shower less on us as compared to Westerners or citizens of First World countries. They may not be that religious and even mock religious rituals; but, prosperity still favours them.

An astrological insight – Why do Indians lag behind while Westerners enjoy their lives?

As a society, we are well informed, hard workers, sufficiently spiritualistic. But, we are still, largely, a globally deprived lot. The answer to this riddle is embedded in the roots of our society and we can easily decipher it through a holistic horoscope reading. The entire commentary is meant for one’s self realization and introspection.

Many of these things can be identified in the…

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