Important recommendations that have emerged from Kerala Looks Ahead, the just-concluded three-day international conference and consultation organised by the State Planning Board, will be woven into the 14th Five-Year Plan, board vice chairman V.K. Ramachandran has said.
As a next-step, the Planning Board intends to consolidate the proceedings of the sessions and decide what the takeaways are for the State. “’Many of the positive suggestions will find their way into the State’s 14th Five-Year Plan,” Mr. Ramachandran told a press conference here on Saturday.
The conclave has long-term recommendations that are of strategic interest to the State and some specific suggestions for the short term, he said.
To a question on the tourism sector, Planning Board member-secretary Venu V. said global reports indicated that international tourism would be back on track only by 2024.
The tourism sector, though witnessing a downturn at the moment, will play a major role in the State’s…