Controversial Race Report to India’s Appeal Against Paying $1.2 Billion in Tax Case

Sanjeev Gupta’s Liberty Steel Seeks Bailout: Liberty Steel owner Sanjeev Gupta has come out fighting after the collapse of financial backer Greensill. Following that withdrawal, his group was said to have sought 170 million pounds from the UK government to keep his business afloat, over which the government had shown some dithering. But Gupta told BBC’s Today programme Thursday morning that his business is “not waiting for anybody” and that they are “doing what they can to help our business.” He said the global operations of the company are profitable, and they would refinance to “support our UK business also.”

UK’s Race Report Causes Controversy: A new and increasingly more controversial inquiry by UK’s Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities finds that institutional racism no longer exists in Britain, though it stops short of saying that racism itself does not exist. In some fields such as education, it finds that the minorities are doing far better than…

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