COVID-19 hospital ratings upsetAnantapur health professionals

Despite treating most of the critical cases, district referral facilities get poor ranks

The health professionals were happy when a survey conducted by the Department of Health, Medical and Family Welfare revealed that the top 12 COVID-19 hospitals in the State are in Anantapur and the district ranked first with an average of 2016.82 points. However, their joy was short-lived when the officials went into the fine print of the survey.

Even as the average ranking is good, the three major hospitals— Anantapur Government General Hospital (GGH), RDT Hospital at Bathalapalli, and KIMS Saveera Hospital— which handled the maximum number of cases, majority of them critical patients had poor individual rankings while the hospitals in the smaller towns were in the top spots.

These three facilities, being district referral hospitals, treated the more critical patients and the number of…

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