On April 1, 2021, Alia Bhatt tested positive for coronavirus and has been home-quarantining since then. The actor took to her Instagram story and shared the news with her followers which read as “I have tested positive for COVID-19. I have immediately isolated myself and will be under home quarantine. I am following all safety protocols under the advice of my doctors. Grateful for all your love and support. Please stay safe and take care.”
Now, Alia shared a glimpse into her quarantine diaries by sharing a selfie. In the photo, the actor is seen in her PJs while lying in her bed. She is snuggling a soft toy and posing cutely for the photo. Alia captioned her selfie stating, “one day at a time.”
Check it out below:
In her post, several celebs including Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Athiya Shetty, Dia Mirza and others showered her with love and heart emojis.
Riddhima wrote, “cuteness”, while Dia commented, “get well soooooon.” Alia’s best friend and…