COVID-19 resurgence ‘speculative’ for now, govt. tells Supreme Court

‘No global scientific evidence that virus targets particular age group,’ says Health Ministry

The possibility of a resurgence in COVID-19 infection is “speculative” and will depend on the “behaviour” of citizens and the virus, the Health Ministry has told the Supreme Court.

“Possibility of any such resurgence would necessarily be speculative at this stage. However, the possibility of resurgence would depend on the behaviour pattern of the virus and the behaviour of the citizens, whether they follow COVID-19 appropriate behaviour or not,” the Ministry said.

Also read: Coronavirus | 186 crore vaccine doses needed to cover all over 18, says Centre

The government said there was no “global scientific evidence” that the virus would target children. “Though there is no global scientific evidence of virus selecting to affect a particular age group, the Central government has ensured that all State governments are geared up to deal with any such potential threat to…

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