COVID Cases Spike by 225% in a Week as Kerala Ramps up Testing

A Comprehensive One-Website-For-All

The Kerala government has an updated comprehensive dashboard and COVID Jagrath portal where people can check details of hospitals, beds available, ICUs with ventilators, non-ICU bed with oxygen supply and other medical supplies. The portal lists date wise and district wise data of the number of persons who are tested and also segregated the positive patients based on the severity of symptoms to give a clear sense of how the spread has been in the state.

The triage system – of demarcating patients into categories A, B and C – has been the backbone of resource allocation in Kerala that begins at the primary health centres and is monitored in the war rooms. The state has been using a standard method of early detection, segregation of persons based on home quarantine, those in need of COVID centres and others who need to be hospitalised. Medical facilities such as certain medicines, oxygen, ventilators and others are being ramped up based on the…

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