Telangana crossed the 1.7 lakh mark in its Covid-19 tally with the latest addition of 2,137 cases of the disease taking the total Coronavirus victims in the state so far to 1,71,306. Eight more people also succumbed to the disease taking the fatalities from Covid-19 in the state to 1,033, according to the Covid-19 bulletin released by the health department on Sunday.
The bulletin said 2,192 Covid-19 patients recovered between Friday and Saturday evenings and that the total number of people who have recovered so far in the state was 1,39,700. There were 30,573 active Covid-19 cases in the state and of these, 24,019 persons were either in home or institutional isolation.
Hyderabad city and the rest of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation area saw 322 more people testing positive. Ranga Reddy district had 184 new cases, Medchal-Malkajgiri had 146, Karimanagar had 132,…