COVID War: Lessons from the Battlefield — For India to Win

Are We Prepared For Future Crises? We Must Act Now

There can be no two views that nationwide, at many levels there have been lapses, failures, insufficient planning or foresight and poor administration in coping with the COVID crisis. If oxygen or hospital beds or vaccines are inadequate, someone has to be responsible. If lifesaving equipment like ventilators is either faulty or unused, there is something wrong.

The time is now — we do not know how long this crisis is going to last. The Allies started planning for the United Nations during the World War, when Churchill had famously said, “never let a good crisis go to waste.”

We also need to act with urgency, because this may be the shape of challenges we are likely to face increasingly in the future. Pakistan has openly spoken of death by a thousand cuts. Not yet blaming China for the pandemic, the effects of the information warfare on various disruptive activities in the country are there to see. The next crisis may well be…

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