The violence at D.J. Halli and K.G. Halli police station limits in Bengaluru on August 11 rocked the Assembly on Friday, as the ruling BJP and the Opposition Congress members indulged in heated exchange of words. This followed Leader of the Opposition Siddaramaiah dwelling into the episode during the debate on no-confidence motion moved against Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa.
Mr. Siddaramaiah maintained that the violence was not pre-planned as being claimed by the BJP. “The clashes were not pre-planned or organised as being claimed by the BJP and certain others. In fact, it could have been averted if filing of FIR against the accused Naveen, who put out an objectionable social media post against Islam, was not delayed,” he maintained.
He alleged that such a delay in filing FIR had made the mob turn its anger at the police. “If it was a communal clash, they would have attacked…