Damages Amplifidd in Gujarat after Landfall

Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, while addressing the media on Tuesday, said that the cyclone posed a major threat to the operations of COVID hospitals in the region. However, it did not cause any massive damage to the health infrastructure. He stated that out of 1,400 hospitals only 16 faced power outage.

Major Destructions of Cyclone Tauktae in Gujarat

Saurashtra in Gujarat was majorly impacted by the cyclone. According to The Indian Express, the storm damaged 16,500 houses and power outage in 2,500 villages in Gujarat. As per the news reports, the state estimated damage to 196 roads and 40,000 uprooted trees. Gujarat received the maximum rainfall and the highest was recorded at 212 mm.

Locals clear a fallen tree from a road following the landfall process of Cyclone Tauktae, in Surat, Gujarat, on Tuesday.  
(Photo: PTI)

In Ahmedabad, 30 incidents of trees falling were reported and to avoid any flooding, the water level of the Sabarmati River was reduced from 133 to 130 feet by…

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