Digital Marketing virtuoso Jeevan Tiwari, makes it big in the industry

Going viral isn’t a result; it’s an occurrence. Always keep in mind that fans are vanity, and sales are sanity. Every human being possesses a powerful driving force that, when released, can make any vision, dream, or desire a reality. Jeevan Tiwari, a 20-year-old young talent who had the same powerful vision and took advantage of early exposure to the various nuances of digital marketing. And now has accomplished a host of career milestones.

At such a young age this digital entrepreneur earns more than 3 million dollars in revenue, a number that few people will match in their retirement. With this track record, he’s not only setting an example for millennials, but also for older generations.

Hailing from Gujarat, he had the mind of an entrepreneur, which propelled him to take notable initiatives, acquire high-value skills, and all of this hustle earned him the title of India’s Pioneer of Digital Entrepreneurs.

Jeevan is the founder and CEO of Ezee, a digital…

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