A talented ensemble cast searches in vain for the humour vein in PariWar. The Disney+ Hotstar web series revolves around a family in Allahabad squabbling over property. The culprit is the patriarch Kashiram (Gajraj Rao), who has given away a lucrative plot of land to theatre actor Gangaram (Vijay Raaz) to build a home for widows and widowers.
Kashiram’s sons Mahipal (Yashpal Sharma) and Shishupal (Ranvir Shorey) are understandably outraged. His America-returned daughter Mandakini (Nidhi Singh) is not as worried, especially since she finds love with Gangaram’s son Munna (Abhishek Banerjee) soon after landing home.
Is Kashiram spiteful, eccentric, or merely trying to find a way to unite his divided brood? Director Sagar Ballary and writers Gaganjeet Singh and Shantanu Aman don’t bother too much with character building and instead focus on rolling out comic sketches….