Documentaries and animated films about women and nature

The latest film festival to come straight to our computers and tablets is Rising Gardens. The online event has been organised by Sangat and the Kriti Film Club to mark the One Billion Rising’s South Asia Campaign. The selection has been curated by eminent editor and filmmaker Reena Mohan.

The films will be streamed between January and April. The January package, which is available until January 15, is titled ‘Cosmic Connections’ and is organised around the theme of women and nature. The films are available for free on the website

“The ongoing pandemic has disrupted our lives, caused chaos and shown us that our existing structures are unjust and unsustainable,” Reena Mohan said in a curatorial note. “Has the isolation we experienced affected our thinking and practices? Did the pandemic compel us to slow down, and consider how to live with more empathy and compassion in relation to the environment?”

The films are “stories of courage,…

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