Donald Trump says likely to nominate a woman to succeed Ginsburg on Supreme Court

Any nomination would require approval in the Senate, where Mr. Trump’s Republicans hold a 53-47 majority.

President Donald Trump on Saturday named two conservative women who he has elevated to federal appeals courts as contenders to fill the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy caused by Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, a move that would tip the court further to the right.

Also read: Battle begins for Ruth Bader Ginsburg replacement

Mr. Trump, who now has a chance to nominate a third justice to a lifetime appointment on the court named Amy Coney Barrett of the Chicago-based 7th Circuit and Barbara Lagoa of the Atlanta-based 11th Circuit as possible nominees.

Ginsburg’s death on Friday from cancer after 27 years on the court handed Mr. Trump, who is seeking re-election on Nov. 3, the opportunity to expand its conservative majority to 6-3 at a time of a gaping political divide in America.


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