The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Saturday (April 10) conducted searches at seven places in Hyderabad in connection with the money laundering investigation into the large scale scam in Telangana IMS (Insurance Medical Services) ESI (Employees State Insurance) Department.
ED has seized large amount of incriminating evidence, huge amount of unaccounted cash to the tune of Rs 3 Crore, a crore worth of jewellery, blank cheques, property papers, lockers etc.
The money laundering investigation was initiated against the then Director of IMS, Dr Devika Rani, her husband, Srihari Babu, Babji of Omni Group & several others on the basis of eight FIRs registered by Telangana ACB.
The allegations were on the basis of financial irregularities in the purchase & supply of medicines & surgical kits, huge price escalation, gross deviations from ESIC & government norms, creation of Fake Indents, fake bills, diversion of medicines, falsification of records, etc.
The scam has…