Thiruvananthapuram: In a setback to the opposition Congress, which is making all efforts for a strong comeback after the drubbing in the Kerala Assembly polls, senior leader and KPCC former general secretary K P Anil Kumar on Tuesday quit the party and joined the ruling CPI (M), days after another leader P S Prashant resigned and went to the Marxist party fold.
He said he was ending his 43 year-long relationship with the Congress and would co-operate with the Marxist party now onward without any condition.
One of the leaders who had openly expressed displeasure over the recent selection of the party’s new district chiefs by the All Indian Congress Committee (AICC), Kumar had been under suspension for “indiscipline” for some time.
Announcing his resignation at a press meet here, the leader said though he had submitted his explanation after the party action against him last month, the suspension was yet to be revoked.
Coming down heavily on KPCC chief and Member of…