Fact check: Should CT scans be avoided in mild COVID-19 cases? Misleading says IRIA

Fact Check

oi-Vicky Nanjappa


New Delhi, May 06: A claim made by AIIMS chief that a CT scan is equivalent to 300-400 x-rays and should be avoided for mild cases has been rubbished by the Indian Radiological and Imaging Association.

The association said that the claims by the AIIMS chief are misleading. In an official statement, the association said that CT scans are an important component of COVID-19 diagnosis as well as determining the severity of the disease.

The association said that Guleria’s comment is unscientific, alarming and irresponsible.

AIIMS chief warns against going for CT scan in mild COVID cases, says it may do more harm than good

The IRIA said that the CT scan is far more sensitive than saturation monitoring by pulse oximetry in detecting lung damage.

“This is a very retrograde and was the situation 30-40 years ago. The modern CT Scanners use ultra low dose CT which has radiation…

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