Mumbai: Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and her husband, Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli, are expecting their first child. On Tuesday, Anushka shared that she is doing Yoga asanas regularly even during pregnancy, except the ones restricted by her doctor.
Anushka has shared a photograph on her verified Instagram account where she can be seen performing the Shirshasana with hubby Virat’s help. Her yoga techer virtually assists her while the actress performs the asana by leaning against a wall, head down.
“This exercise is hands-down (and legs up) the most difficult one #Throwback. P.S. — As yoga is a big part of my life, my doctor recommended that I can do all such asanas that I was doing before I was pregnant barring twists & extreme forward bends, but of course with the appropriate and required support.” Anushka wrote.
“For the Shirshasana, which I have been doing for many years, I ensured that I used the wall for support and also my very able husband supporting me…