Kolkata: Moving forward on its mission to create awareness about the importance of wearing masks, sanitization, following COVID19 protocols, and supporting the fight against COVID19 pandemic, TMT Bar producer Shyam Steel has taken several initiatives during this pandemic.

Shyam Steel has not only taken initiatives to follow the COVID19 protocols strictly to save lives of its employees from infection but also ensured that the work ran as smoothly as it always did, without affecting the livelihood of the employees.

Speaking to The Reporting Today, Govind Beriwala, Director of Shyam Steel Industries said, “Shyam Steel’s vision has always been more than just to be known only for its products. Shyam Steel visions itself as a company that brings life changing values to people’s lives; not just building their homes but also enriching their lives. The company always tries to keep a balance between workforce and organizational approaches.”

Govind Beriwala…

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