Grandfather of minor boy arrested for forcing driver to take blame for car crash

The Pune Police on Saturday arrested the grandfather of the 17-year-old boy, who crashed his car that killed two persons on May 19, reported The Indian Express.

The minor’s grandfather was arrested for allegedly abducting and wrongful confining the man employed to drive the Porsche car.

The crash occurred on Sunday when the minor, reportedly from the family of a prominent city realtor, was driving a Porsche car with no number plate allegedly under the influence of alcohol. He was booked for culpable homicide not amounting to murder.

The driver, in his complaint, alleged that the minor’s grandfather promised to reward him if he took the blame for the car crash and threatened him when he did not agree, Pune City Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar told The Indian Express.

The driver said that he was returning home from the police station on the night of May 19 when the grandfather allegedly forced him to sit in his car.

He alleged that the minor’s grandfather and father…

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