The 19-year-old Dalit woman who was gang-raped by four men in Hathras in Uttar Pradesh four days passed away on Tuesday morning. She was struggling for her life under ventilator in an Aligarh hospital for three days, after which she was shifted to Safdarjung Hospital Delhi yesterday, but her conditions failed to improve in the slightest. Two days ago, Hathras Superintendent of Police Vikrant Vir said that the four accused named in the rape case, which took place on September 14, have been arrested.
Giving details of the incident, the SP said that the woman had gone to the fields with her mother on that fateful day and had gone missing soon after.
She was later found brutally injured, with her tongue having a serious cut as she bit it while the accused attempted to strangulate her, he said.
The SP said initially they came to know that Sandip (20) had tried to kill…