‘He Thought of Both India & Pak as Home’: Remembering Marxist Icon Aijaz Ahmad

After the seminar, we met briefly. A few days later, we met at the India International Center for a memorable meeting. He knew I was a member of the CMKP, whose earlier incarnation, the MKP, Aijaz had been a part of when he used to live in Pakistan. He asked about it as well as the Awami Workers Party, which had been newly established at that time. He also inquired about the broader Pakistani left. He had visited Pakistan during Musharraf’s rule, and he mentioned it.

He inquired a lot about the situation in Afghanistan. He also had a keen interest in Yemen and knew that I had written a lot on that country and had visited it a few years back. He said that he, too, wanted to visit Yemen to renew solidarities but was not sure (due to the security situation) whether to go or not. I advised him that he should definitely visit and Yemeni comrades would look after him.

Aijaz avoided talking about personal matters. I, too, did not dare ask him if he missed Pakistan. During the…

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