How Arnab & Kangana Have Re-Scripted The ABCD Of News

E – is for exclusive news digging out for your readers and viewers the news that truly matters. But now, an exclusive is reduced to getting the postman! Or the delivery boy! And, E is also for the economy, but then, what’s that?

F – is for fake news. Lies deliberately dressed up as fact, lies intentionally dressed up as news – pedalled not just by individuals but systematically and carefully manufactured by some media organizations. F..A..K..E… is the new vulgar four-letter word in our lives, that’s not being beeped out.

And another 4-letter word with F is fact. But again, some journalists today, may ask you, ‘fact, what’s that’?

G – is for gaslighting – the ugly practice of telling survivors, of telling the vulnerable and the marginalised, that what they suffer, is their fault! From Muslims to migrant workers to rape survivors – ‘tumhare saath jo hua ya ho raha…

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