How Can Forest Dwelling Populations Defend Their Land Rights?

Forests, regarded both as safeguards of biodiversity as well as rich reserves of valuable resources, are often subject to unique laws and policies, especially when it comes to forest land. Since the colonial period, India has witnessed a continued conflict between indigenous forest-dwelling populations and large resource extraction drives.

For the forest-dwelling tribal communities, the forests and their land, beyond being their sources of livelihood are also at the heart of their cultural practices, beliefs and identities. On the other hand, the resource extraction drives from these forests are seen to be critical for the country’s economic development. In this context, with complex power dynamics at play, how do forest-dwelling populations defend their rights over their land and resources?

In this episode of the ‘Land of a Billion’ podcast, we speak with Dr Geetanjoy Sahu, associate professor at the Centre for Science, Technology and Society at the Tata Institute of Social…

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