How Concerned Should We Be With India’s COVID Surge and New Variants

To find out variants of clinical significance, we need to look for variants that have changed the spike protein so much, that they can escape the immune response that a vaccine could generate. How do you do that? One of the best ways is to look at the RT-PCR test and in the RT-PCR, when the patient actually has COVID infection, but his spike protein genes don’t light up, then you need to worry. This way you minimise your work but maximise your output.

The second significant issue is that there is no known anti-viral against this particular virus. So, why this virus mutates is an enigma. Perhaps the reason lies in the immune pressure that tends to come over the virus. The immune pressure comes when I infuse an individual with convalescent plasma repeatedly. The virus will have to face a challenge of multiple neutralising antibodies which are coming from different human bodies because of their past infection, and now the virus will try to find weakness in the same. You will find…

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