How to maintain a balance between revision and new learning?

As far as learning is concerned today, the main problem is to remember what is learnt. This requires revision and it is thus important to create a balance between revision and the new things that one learns. Especially when it comes to exams, more so the competitive ones, this can impact one’s performance. It is impossible to revise every topic in the last minute, which is why regular revision helps. It gives one an idea of the topics that will require more time and enable them to schedule their studies more efficiently. Whether one is revising what is already learnt or learning a new topic, there are some strategies that one can put in place. Here are a few:

When and how: Whether it is revision or learning a new topic, decide the time of day. Ensure that this when you are the peak of your energy. Find a place where you will not be disturbed by unnecessary noise.

Understanding: This is the best and the only way to learn effectively. Even if it is only for a short time, make sure…

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