ICMR study says COVID-19 third wave ‘unlikely to be as severe’ as the second wave

A study done by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has found that the substantial third wave of COVID-19 could occur but it may not be as severe as the second wave.

The study titled ‘Plausibility of the third wave of COVID-19 in India: A mathematical modelling based analysis’, was published on Friday in the peer-reviewed Indian Journal of Medical Research.

“This study demonstrates plausible mechanisms by which a substantial third wave could occur, while also illustrating that it is unlikely for any such resurgence to be as large as the second wave,” the study said. However, the researchers also noted that the projections were subject to uncertainties, and scaling up vaccinations is the only way to ‘mitigate against any eventuality’.

“Preparedness planning for any potential future wave will benefit by drawing upon the projected numbers based on the present modelling exercise,” it added. In the study, researchers examined four potential mechanisms of the…

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