Congress MP Manish Tewari on Wednesday raised more questions on the efficacy of the coronavirus vaccine developed by Bharat Biotech, a day after the Centre indicated that states and beneficiaries will not have an option to choose between the two approved vaccines. Experts and Congress leaders have questioned the government’s decision to clear Bharat Biotech’s vaccine, Covaxin, without the pharmaceutical company completing its phase-3 human trials.
“Till yesterday NDA/BJP [National Democratic Alliance/Bharatiya Janata Party] claimed Covaxin has been cleared for emergency use,” Tewari tweeted. “Today by not allowing [the] recipient to pick [a] vaccine of his choice is NDA/BJP making Guinea pigs out of Indians? Is roll out THE REAL Phase-3 Trial of Covaxin?”
Tewari told ANI that the Centre should not roll out Covaxin till its efficacy and reliability is completely established and the Phase 3 trials are over. The Congress MP said that the government should act in…