India’s online thrift stores go vintage

They were not made yesterday, but were made to last. Vintage clothes made in the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s are making their way back into shopping carts, thanks to online thrift stores that flourished during lockdown

It sounds like a treasure hunt, when Bengaluru-based entrepreneur Aparna Balasubramanian describes her routine of looking for the right clothes to sell.

“The vendors bring in clothes by weight: huge lots of hundreds and thousands of pre-loved pieces that they sell gradually over months,” she explains over phone. From these mounds, she digs out stylish pieces regardless of how old they are; once in a rare while something leaps to her eye that is clearly vintage.

“Stuff from that era just stands out,” says the NIFT graduate, “The style is distinct and you can tell it was made to last: to be cherished and passed on to someone you love. It shows in the structure…

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