ITC Vivel talks to the Women of Tomorrow – THE REPORTING TODAY

Kolkata: A more gender equal inclusive world begins with how individuals choose to challenge biases and stereotypes. The confidence to think free and own the life choices for a woman is a perspective that needs to be instilled at a young age. This International Women’s Day, ITC Vivel changes the narrative with its unique interpretation and rendition of this year’s global theme ‘Choose to Challenge’.

In line with its philosophy of Ab Samjhauta Nahin, Vivel presents the ‘Women of Tomorrow’ in an encouraging conversation that reimagines an unbiased, un-gendered, bright and confident future for young women.

Women since their childhood have conformed to a prescriptive behavioral norm which perpetuates stereotypes and gender-based biases.

Vivel’s initiative this women’s day is to enable parents to break free and consciously begin a transformative journey to nurture a child, especially a girl child’s individuality and confidence with positive…

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