A new member has joined the cast of Akshay Kumar starrer Bachchan Pandey. After Kriti Sanon and Arshad Warsi, the makers of the film have roped in Jacqueline Fernandez for a pivotal role. This will be Akshay and Jacqueline’s fourth outing after Housefull 2, Brothers and Housefull 4. Now Fernandez has shared her excitement on reuniting with producer Sajid Nadiadwala and Akshay once again on the big screen.
In a statement, Jacqueline stated, “I was very new to the industry when I did the ‘Dhanno‘ song in Housefull for Nadiadwala and our bond and friendship goes way back then. I am elated to be back working with him and Bachchan Pandey will mark our eighth film together after Judwaa and Housefull series. I can’t wait to reunite with Akshay once again. It’s a crazy mad ride always with him and I am sure we will have a blast together.”
The Dishoom actor also revealed that she will kickstart the shoot in January 2021. Jacqueline said, “I’m looking forward to beginning the…