The police have cracked the September 20 robbery at a jewellery store at Jalahalli and arrested three men, one of whom had been caught robbing another jeweller but was out on bail.
On September 20, two men entered the jewellery store posing as customers and asked for a gold chain one of them had ordered a month ago. They later brandished a pistol, threatened the shopkeeper and made away with 3.45 kg of gold ornaments, over 700 grams of silver articles, and ₹3.96 lakh in cash.
The police recovered CCTV camera footage of the incident as well as of August 20 when the accused had placed the order. “We used the footage to develop photographs of the suspects and compared them with photographs of known offenders in jewellery shop robberies. One of the photos of a gang member matched that of an accused in an old case,” said a police officer.
Fingerprints collected from the crime scene…