Controversies child Kangana Ranaut has done it yet again. Speaking on legendary cricketer-turned commentator Sunil Gavaskar’s recent remarks that stirred a storm at the IPL 2020, Kangana took the opportunity to hit at Anushka Sharma, who according to her is indulging in ‘selective feminism’
Sharing her opinion on the matter, where Sunil Gavaskar joined the team of internet trolls to make a ‘distasteful’ remark against Anushka Sharma, blaming her for Kohli’s performance, Kangana wrote on Twitter, “#Anushka remained quiet when I was threatened and called Haramkhor but today the same misogyny coming to bite her, I condemn the fact that she was dragged in to cricket by #SunilGavaskar but selective feminism is equally uncool (sic).”
While on one hand Kangana mentioned that Gavaskar should not have mentioned Anushka’s name, she also stated his statements should not be…