The Kerala High Court on Wednesday directed Dr. Sivakumar Babu, a scientist appointed by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), to study the slope stability of the under-construction Kuthiran tunnel between Thrissur and Palakkad districts and to file a report on the ongoing work.
On completion, the twin tunnel between Mannuthy and Wadakkunchery will reduce travel time significantly between the two districts.
Justice P.V. Asha issued the order on a petition filed by K.Rajan, Assembly Chief Whip and Ollur MLA seeking to open at least one of the tunnels.
The NHAI submitted that the entire project work had come to a standstill due to financial crisis. A meeting of financiers, NHAI officers and the representatives of the construction company would be held on Thursday. Once the financial issue was solved, the work of one tunnel could be completed within three months.
Counsel for the construction company assured that the work would be completed before March 31.