‘Kiss The Ground’ review: Netflix doc on fixing climate change

The documentary tracks success stories of reversing desertification, and uses stunning visuals and logic to show us what we can do to heal our planet

There is something immensely satisfying about growing your own food. The joy of seeing plump, purple aubergines shyly peeking from a green cap is enough to warm the cockles of the coldest heart. So, imagine the joy of seeing our favourite zombie hunter, Woody Harrelson, swap those Twinkies for sustainable agriculture practices!

We have all heard of the horrors of global warming, the melting glaciers, the poor, poor mama whale keening for her calf that died because of the toxins in the sea. Kiss the Ground gives us hope by saying it can all be reversed by just tending to the soil. Get the worms, the microbes and the carbon in the soil and you can even get rid of 1000 gigaton legacy load of carbon. The takeaway from the documentary is…

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