Letters to the Editor — September 30, 2020

The observation that India reached the ‘Corona Peak’ in mid-September suffers from the fallacy of inference (Editorial page, “Imperatives after India’s September virus peak”, September 29). The conclusion is based on limited testing over four weeks. The numbers could rise again, what with all our shambolic systems and amusing statistics. Most of our shifting strategies are based on mathematical models of a limited theoretical frame.

Perundurai, Tamil Nadu


It was very thoughtful of the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister to suggest the conferment of the Bharat Ratna, the country’s highest civilian honour, on S.P. Balasubrahmanyam. SPB himself would have felt that the award to him would be incomplete without similarly conferring it on Mohammed Rafi whose influence on him SPB has acknowledged. It would be apt to cite SPB himself: “To my knowledge, the maximum influence I had on…

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