‘Loki’ Lays the Groundwork for Marvel’s Multiverse of Madness

But as it gains momentum in the second, it promises a more creatively cheeky show. This cheekiness is on display in the blending of true crime and sci-fi even in the premiere, when Loki turns out to be DB Cooper, the mysterious man behind the only unsolved airplane hijacking in history. Rest assured, it will be anything but low-key. With Tom Hiddleston’s Asgardian God of Mischief stepping out of his brother’s shadow and taking centre stage for the first time, expect some zingers, some monologues and the occasional backstabbing.

The show’s creator Michael Waldron worked with Dan Harmon on Community and Rick and Morty. So, he brings that same pop cultural language to Loki as the Marvel Cinematic Universe becomes a Multiverse (MCM). The season premiere is essentially Owen Wilson teaching a class of MCM 101, briskly packing in exposition, mythology and all the mechanics. To ensure it’s palatable to audiences beyond the comic book geeks, Waldron cuts down on all the usual…

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