Meet Indian Asexuals For Whom Labels Matter

The Spectrum: From Sex-Positive to A-Romantic

Like many things concerning gender and sexuality – asexuality is also a spectrum. There is no right or wrong, and not all asexuals are sex-repulsive.

(Illustration by Erum Gour/TheQuint)

Like 30-year-old Bengaluru-based lawyer Tanya Singh*.

“I consider myself a sex-positive asexual. I am not repulsed at the idea of having sex but I do not enjoy the act. It is okay and I engage in the act consensually with my partners (present and past). I must admit, sometimes I wonder if I have sex for my partners or for love,” said Singh, speaking to The Quint.

Namrata K, on the other hand, says she is asexual and a-romantic – i.e., someone who feels no romantic or sexual attraction.

There are demisexuals (people who only experience sexual attraction once they form a strong emotional connection) and sapoisexuals (those who are attracted to intellect), there are queerplatonic (people who experience a type of non-romantic relationship but emotions are…

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