Meet Nikhil Nanda, Amitabh Bachchan’s son-in-law, Ranbir Kapoor’s cousin, who runs a Rs 7000-crore business empire

Nikhil Nanda is not a part of the entertainment industry and yet, he is still Bollywood royalty. The businessman is late Raj Kapoor’s grandson, the first cousin of Ranbir Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor, and by virtue of marriage, also related to the family of Amitabh Bachchan. And yet, the businessman has maintained a largely low profile.

Nikhil Nanda’s connection to the Kapoor family

Nikhil Nanda is the son of industrialist Rajan Nanda and his wife Ritu, the daughter of legendary actor-producer Raj Kapoor. This makes actors Rishi Kapoor, Randhir Kapoor, and Rajiv Kapoor his maternal uncles, and their kids – Ranbir, Kareena, Karisma, and Riddhima – his first cousins. Born in 1974 in Delhi, Nikhil attended the prestigious Doon School in Dehradun and went on to study business management at Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Nihkil Nanda’s marriage to Shweta Bachchan

In 1997, Nikhil Nanda tied the knot with Amitabh…

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